AIPCE-CEP membership is presently comprised of 22 national associations representing the fish processing industries in the EU.
Membership categories and criteria
The full membership in AIPCE CEP is open to organizations operating in the processing industry in the EU and former EU countries.
The associate members are the national associations or organizations operating in the processing industry or fish trade in countries applying for membership of the European Union.
Observer status may be granted to national associations of countries that are not eligible as associate members.
The benefits of membership
- Participation in high level meetings with decision makers and legislators.
- Participating in meetings with the European Sector to discuss about latest developments in trade, food law and other common issues.
- Being updated on the European decision and events
- Being represented at European level by professionals of the sector
- Being part of the European legislative procedure
AIPCE-CEP also offers its members
- Tailor-made conferences
- Product-specific codes of practice
- Information about important policy issues
- Studies about the structure of the industry
- A user-friendly and comprehensive member-only intranet
- A competent and experienced Secretariat embedded in the professional association management structure of Kellen: http://kellencompany.com
AIPCE-CEP also closely collaborates with other public and private organisations of the fisheries sector, in order to increasing impact of all actions through effective cooperation.